Is Fear Ruling Your Life?


One of the overriding vibrations that impacts wellness and well-being is the frequency of fear. Yes, fear as a frequency can exist within you and without you as being overtly fearful of something or many things. Yet in today's world the escalation of fears can sometimes be overwhelming if allowed to take control of your universe. This is known as "fear consciousness" and it can overwhelm you into a constant and consistent overwhelm of fear as a worldview. It may even be said that this is a vision of your universe in this universe that you're absorbed by fears each and every waking moment and every waking moment is based on fear down to a micron energistic pulse and impulse.
Where these fears come from is a question that addresses the addiction to perfection and perfected pain as an overriding vibration that inflicts itself on millions if not billions of people. That you are never good enough or that nothing is ever good enough is a catastrophically destructive addiction on the planet, causing pain and fear that can be debilitating to the degree of simply annihilating the self.
All of this promotes a patterning of fears that in essence means you have become receptive to these fears and have become an "Absorbent Universe.” As an Absorbent Universe you have become like a sponge to everything surrounding you and receptive to all manner of fear frequencies consciously or unconsciously. Fear rules your universe which severely impacts you on a multitude of spiritual and physical levels and no matter what else this means you're out of well-being and also out of wellness.
Fear of judgment, fear of failure, fear of harm, fear of not being approved and accepted, fear of not winning, fear of being alone, fear of never being good enough, fear, fear, fear. You have become receptive to absorbing fears and projecting fears. In essence, no matter what, where and how you're living, you have vibrated into a fear-based - "Poverty Consciousness" that nothing can ever be good enough and everything is tainted with the addiction to fears.
Fear consciousness is in essence pain consciousness and pain consciousness means you are going to be in conflict each and every moment of the day. You essentially are screaming, "Feel my pain,” and in this vibration you will be willing to punish everyone around you for all the fear/pain you've absorbed through your life. It is a truly pain-filled and dismal life situation.


When a poverty consciousness of fear becomes absorbed into an overwhelming vision of life, this becomes a full-blown addiction on so many levels negatively impacting the spirit to body connection. Spirit is dramatically impacted, and becomes an absorbent host to an increased use of foreign energies, entities and controls that actually all combine to kick the spiritual “you” further out of body, so that those same energies are now in much greater control of your spiritual physical universe. With this loss of Spiritual Ownership, channeling increases exponentially so that there is a much denser vibration, dramatically impacting so many levels of wellness and well-being. To underline this point, a host of beings channeling through your universe limits what you can think, how you can interact with others and what you can create in your life, much of this on an increased vibration of negativity. All of this essentially keeps you in a very narrow range of the amount of your energy that you are generating through the physical body to create what it is you truly want in life. For most individuals, this may be in the lower range of from two to five percent of their own Life Force Energy generated through the physical form. This is obviously very little, meaning little of the original spirit is present in the body and if measured means there won't be very much of the spiritual you to manifest what it is you truly want, let alone to be able to enjoy the life that's being created.
Cold hands and feet are one clear indicator that you're not in body and are operating on minimal energy impulses, which also indicates you're channeling a parade of beings from your Entourage to help you operate this physical form. If you don't believe in channeling - carefully watch the next time someone close to you explodes in a rage! The fear they've held onto escalated into pain-filled RAGE! Unable to control themselves - unable to remain in body - unable to remain in any equilibrium of being. In reality they can no longer contain nor control their pain nor their body because of the pain and entities that reside within them! Melting down in a massive pain outburst that is harming the spirit to body connection - controlled by entities blowing them out of body in a bursting rage-filled expression. Three to five full body entities is the common for everyone on the planet. An individual's competitive fears escalated - as a fear of not being enough - is why they reside there. It is time to come into awareness of this massive Spiritual debacle that may exist inside of you and certainly as a planetary epidemic. Now is a time for change and healing. SPIRIT NATURE is HEALING NATURE!