Spirit Nature began in 1950 in California and is a step by step belief system for shifting ongoing patterns of effort, problem and pain into ones of a moment by moment affinity vibration. James Stellar, the founder of Spirit Nature, has traveled the world practicing and teaching these spiritual insights to an ever widening community of Spirit Nature Friends.
Heart affinity, co-creative relationship and the ability for the free expression of creativity are all themes that have been explored and developed into personalized guides for living life with Spirit Nature.

This website is a road map to a much greater life validation as well as a step into learning to create a greater consciousness of affinity. Spirit Nature, in essence, affects every single person on this tiny planet and you are now in the moment of shifting your reality into connecting to a greater consciousness as well as your own greater affinity.
10 Foundational Spirit Nature Themes
1. You are ENOUGH! That’s right, just the way you are is enough! No proving, performing or pretending needed. Let go of the competitive mind. Being is enough. With this you can truly be a passionate creator.
2. YOU and you alone create absolutely everything in your life. No matter what you have manifested, you can CHANGE your vibration and your circumstances will change. There is a spiritual gift in absolutely every creation you make.
3. Absolutely no blame to anyone else for your life creations. Blaming others for how you're feeling and punishing them for what is upsetting to you, means you've dropped your frequency into a violence of fears.
4. LET GO of competition. Nothing is greater than you - money, objects, where you live, what you do, any external is not greater than you. Permission to be is a deeply profound spiritual moment.
5. LET GO of Victim Nature. Victim Nature is fear in not being perfect enough! Victim Nature is living with pain as a meaning of life. Proving yourself, effort-filled, problem and conflict-oriented, exhausting yourself in addiction-oriented competitive games and punishing yourself over the least little thing - all hugely life destructive beliefs.
6. Own Your Mind. Learning about your Spirit Nature allows you gain control of your mind and discern yourself from programming or energy impacts. Meditate daily to own your mind and create neutrality. Neutrality means you have the perspective to see yourself clearly and act towards others without personalization and with greater compassion.
7. Heart Mind Consciousness. Live from Your Heart - not your mind. If you truly want a loving, compassionate life it means that you must focus to your heart and let go of all the disparaging analytics of your mind. The heart vibration means you have a certainty of love beyond all the fears and uncertainties of your mind. Heart Mind Consciousness is the courage to be the authentic you. Show spiritual courage now.
8. Affinity is the ability to validate yourself with gratitude for each and every moment. No matter what you have, or where you are, or what you're doing, validate you as a positive vibration.
9. Being PRESENT. There is no past or future, there is only NOW. The more present you are, the more you can manifest what you want in life and the more you will spiritually remember as you transit out of this lifetime on to your next creation.
10. Eat humble pie each and every day. If you think you know a lot or have a high IQ, you may want to realize you don’t know much at all. IQ has almost destroyed the Blue Planet. Start laughing at your competitively narrowed vision. Being conscious is much more than all the belief systems on the planet and all the programming you may believe in put together. Answers are finite, questions are infinite.