She is in grace-filled amusement.
She is in ease.
She is in passion.
She is in a rejuvenation of life - out of mental looping.
She is a beginner - a beginner so she can have fun!
She is in permission to create passionately and to be compassionate.
She lives with permission to be female however she chooses.

Doesn’t this sound like a fantastic way to live?
And what if I tell you that you can be a Vertical Woman? You can live with complete permission to be you.
You can heal and grow to live your life as a passionate adventure.
So Why Aren’t Women Living This Way?
Why are we: self-punishing, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, angry, suffering, serious, confused or frustrated?
You Create Everything in Your Life
Everything is energy. People, plants, animals. You are energy. You are an amazing energy system. You run this energy system by either creating negatively (in Spirit Nature we call these Agreements) or by creating positively (we call these Alignments.) You determine your life by the vibration you are in moment to moment that creates you and creates your life. As such, you may be in Agreement to many things that are not positives in your life. This is not a conscious decision, but rather impacts from this life or other lifetimes that you have not yet learnt to change. Let’s look at some factors that you may be in Agreement to that are preventing you living life as a Vertical Woman. Click here or see below to go to part 1.
The Path of the Vertical Woman is for anyone identifying as a woman. Spirit Nature is LGBTQ+ affirmative and welcomes all orientations and genders.