James Stellar
James Stellar was born and raised in California and from the earliest of times experienced conscious out of body travels and creations that had him thinking that everyone else was experiencing these events as well. Spirit Nature and James were connected from this very early time of life and his enthusiasm for understanding who we truly are as spirit and how healing can occur through this physical plane has been a constant theme in his life. With these many awarenesses being cultivated very early on, there were also requests for Healings from family members, friends and many others who came to him seeking help from what was so negativley impacting their spiritual physical universe. .
Through the years James has gained a greater insight and understanding of spirit to body connections and healing, helping wherever he could with individuals who recognized Spirit Nature being able to assist them to heal. An interest in people and healing has always been a constant theme and James has led many clairvoyant groups where like minded people could gather and feel comfortable in expressing their spiritual awarenesses and understandings..
James has traveled the world and created many adventures in numerous countries where he's been able to communicate and assist others asking for help. James has also been immersed from early childhood to the present in numerous artistic expressions from painting and printmaking to sculpture, ceramics, poetry and prose writings and continues to write and paint as part of his daily life experience. Both healing and artistic expression have been a great part of James' life path and he continues to work with others in learning to both express and heal themselves. .
James is currently working on completing the Spirit Nature Handbook as well as a book of correspondence newsletters.