By Claudia Lewis

All over the world the War on Women is an intensified invalidation that is felt in a vibration throughout every feminine universe. This war exists beginning with diminishments, rejections, invalidations and punishments of women, right the way through to extremes such as imprisonment, lack of women’s rights, torture, rape and murder. Hundreds of thousands of discriminations to minimize female value exist in every culture around the world on a daily basis. It is an overwhelming epidemic for women over the entirety of the planet. 

This war promotes a programming for women to disbelieve in themselves, resulting in an extreme amount of fear of never being “good enough”, which translates to a fear of never really being “seen” as bright spirit connected to a physical body. This fear of never being seen and of never being good enough reduces women’s value to being less than, devastating the spirit to body connection of women of every culture around the planet. 

Over time, repeated experiences can create an addiction to negativity, pain, inadequacy or rage so that women become stuck on certain pain pictures, unable to stop looping in pain. The programming, pain and fears override a woman’s capacity to create and manifest freely and without constriction. (Please note, releasing and healing out of the War on Women does not consist of negating men.) 

As a reminder, everything is energy, you are energy and you create everything in your life through either Agreement (negatives) or Alignment (positives). You do not have to continue being in Agreement to the programming of being less than. You can build much more affinity (loving, positive connection) with yourself to feel better and to begin determining a different life.

Vertical Woman meditations focus to shifting the energy within the feminine universe. This consists of healing the female energy system and repairing the impacts and results of negative programming, such as not-enoughness, rage, anxiety, negativity, energy blocks and problem-orientation. This healing can grant women an independence from programming and an ability to create freely. Yes, you can change the universe of you to have more affinity, empowerment and freedom and live a very different life. The first step on the path of the Vertical Woman is a willingness to change and heal.

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